
Watch the GLOW programme animation in English, with French or Spanish subtitles, to learn why investing in women as low-carbon and climate resilience leaders is not just fair, it's smart.

Watch the GLOW webinar recording to hear how diverse actors are building capacity on gender-responsive climate action, and the opportunities for just transitions to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in specific countries and regions.

Research report
This report summarises learning from the GLOW programme on common challenges and promising solutions for advancing women’s empowerment in low-carbon transitions.

At COP28 in Dubai in November-December 2023, governments will negotiate a political statement and commitment to further action on 'just transitions': how transitions to low-carbon economies can provide decent, secure employment for millions of workers. Sign this call to action for gender-just, low-carbon economies, to raise the profile of women's empowerment as a critical consideration for the climate talks and COP28 decision.
Nepal's reputation for beautiful scenery is being marred by mountains of plastic waste. Now women entrepreneurs from rural communities are seeking to change all that, by making and promoting bio-products for use instead of plastic.

Policy brief
This brief presents the results and recommendations from a value chain gender assessment conducted
from April to July 2022 within rural communities in Mzimba and Kasungu districts. This study is part of
the Prioritizing Options for Women’s Empowerment and Resilience in Food Tree Value Chains in Malawi
(POWER) project.

Research report
This report for the GLOW programme reviews the evidence on women's economic empowerment in low-carbon transitions. It identifies the gaps in the evidence base; and recommends how GLOW and other research initiatives and funders may further enrich the evidence, and inform policy and practice.

This event at CSW66 explored the opportunities for government spending plans to promote gender equality and environmental sustainability.

This project seeks to research factors that have contributed to women and minority group-led land restoration successes and failures in Cameroon, and how to increase their post Covid-19 economic prosperity.