Empowering women in just transitions: Insights from the GLOW programme animation

The GLOW programme investigated the effects of enhancing women's leadership in agriculture, forestry, marine businesses and ecotourism while implementing climate actions. We found that giving women farmers more access to climate-smart inputs and techniques can significantly improve yields and create more stable value chains. Investing in women’s involvement in processing, distribution, and marketing further strengthens these value chains, helping businesses consolidate their markets and build a loyal customer base. Women’s participation and leadership in all these climate smart steps of the value chain ensures more secure livelihoods for women and their families.
Key suggestions for a sustainable transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy include:
- Supporting women’s collective action to access resources for their green businesses.
- Recognising and supporting mentorship - women to women.
- Making information about climate change, and low-carbon, resilient solutions accessible to diverse women.
- Investing in women’s access to technologies that are labour-saving as well as green.
- Strengthening gender equality provisions in climate and sector policies and implementing them fully
- Involving men as allies to empower women.
- And working to create an understanding of how attitudes and beliefs can hold women back.
Watch the animation with English, French or Spanish subtitles.
To find out more, read the full report.