Mairi Dupar

Watch the GLOW programme animation in English, with French or Spanish subtitles, to learn why investing in women as low-carbon and climate resilience leaders is not just fair, it's smart.

Policy brief
New evidence from the GLOW programme makes the case that climate-smart businesses innovating in the low-carbon, climate-resilient space require a gender lens approach to meet their full potential for economic sustainability and positive climate impact.

Research report
This report summarises learning from the GLOW programme on common challenges and promising solutions for advancing women’s empowerment in low-carbon transitions.

Transitions to clean energy are compatible with sustainable and equitable development and women’s economic empowerment. However, in the absence of adequate policies, they may reinforce existing inequalities. A new policy brief summarises the evidence that supports and knowledge gaps that hinder clean and inclusive energy transitions.

At COP28 in Dubai in November-December 2023, governments will negotiate a political statement and commitment to further action on 'just transitions': how transitions to low-carbon economies can provide decent, secure employment for millions of workers. Sign this call to action for gender-just, low-carbon economies, to raise the profile of women's empowerment as a critical consideration for the climate talks and COP28 decision.

Research report
This report for the GLOW programme reviews the evidence on women's economic empowerment in low-carbon transitions. It identifies the gaps in the evidence base; and recommends how GLOW and other research initiatives and funders may further enrich the evidence, and inform policy and practice.

Policy brief
This policy brief reviews how well women’s economic empowerment and low-carbon transitions are integrated in theory and in practice. It provides key recommendations for governments, international financial institutions and research funders.

Spending plans for Covid-19 economic recovery provide a major opportunity to promote gender equality and environmental sustainability.