Pre-COP29 briefing webinar: Women’s empowerment in the context of climate ambition

In the run-up to COP29, the GLOW programme held a webinar briefing on women’s empowerment in the context of ambitious climate action. In this year, it is vital to take stock of women’s participation and leadership as countries undertake a final review of the Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan, and we look to a new round of more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), due in in early 2025.
Experts from GLOW spoke to key elements of the COP29 agenda, including: how are diverse actors building capacity on gender-responsive climate action? How well is gender equality being advanced via climate initiatives in the agriculture, forestry, eco-tourism and blue economy sectors, which cut across mitigation and adaptation? Researchers provided details on the opportunities for just transitions to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in specific countries and regions.
The webinar repeated twice on 23 October. The welcoming remarks and global overview were the same in each session but the detailed country and regional reports varied by timezone. The first session, at 7:30-9:00 UTC, focused on insights from south and southeast Asia: Cambodia, Nepal, Philippines and Vietnam. The second session, at 13:00-14:30 UTC, shared findings and recommendations from Africa and Latin America: Bolivia, Cameroon, Guinea, Malawi and Senegal. Both webinars had French and Spanish interpretation, although the recordings are only available in English.
Session one: 9:30 – 11:00 SAST (UTC+2)
Recording here
- Shehnaaz Moosa, CDKN, GLOW Knowledge Hub
- Mairi Dupar, CDKN, GLOW Knowledge Hub
- Sushant Acharya and Mani Ram Banjade, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Nepal
- Srijana Baral, Kanchan Lama, ForestAction Nepal and Tilisara Nepali, Amarjyoti Duna Tapari, Nepal (by video)
- Thuy Cam Nguyen, GrowAsia Vietnam
- Sarin Tey, Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA)
- Monica Milano, Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (PPSA)
- Flaubert Mbiekop, IDRC
Session two: 15:00 – 16:30 SAST (UTC+2)
Recording here
- Shehnaaz Moosa, CDKN, GLOW Knowledge Hub
- Mairi Dupar, CDKN, GLOW Knowledge Hub
- Marame Cisse and Laure Tall, IPAR-Senegal
- Divine Foundjem, CIFOR-ICRAF, Cameroon
- Joyce Njoloma, CIFOR-ICRAF, Malawi
- Beatriz Muriel, INESAD Bolivia
- Julian Vargas, Orbita Bolivia
- Colleen Duggan, IDRC
Please read our flagship report at, watch our animation on youtube and find out more about GLOW at
- ForestAction Nepal,
- Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS),
- Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA),
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Bolivia,
- Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD) Foundation,
- Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR),
- International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF),
- Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (PPSA),
- Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture in Vietnam,
- Grow Asia,
- Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN),
- ODI,
- SouthSouthNorth