

Green jobs

Women undertaking inventory, credit FAN
Rural women in Nawalparasi district of central Nepal have succeeded in producing bags, hats, and mats from Thakal, bio-cups and plates from Sal (Shorea robusta) leaves, and brooms from broom grass. They recently shared their successes and plans with government officials.
Nepal farmer
Research report
This report for the GLOW programme reviews the evidence on women's economic empowerment in low-carbon transitions. It identifies the gaps in the evidence base; and recommends how GLOW and other research initiatives and funders may further enrich the evidence, and inform policy and practice.
Quinoa farmer workshop
Daniela Romero of INESAD Bolivia shares some of the thinking behind the team's research on its GLOW project:  Creating indigenous women's green jobs under low-carbon Covid-19 recovery in Bolivia's quinoa sector.
Brazilian farmers
This is the recording of a GLOW webinar in two parts, on the topic of 'National leadership and feminist networks: two entry points for promoting gender equality in low-carbon, climate-resilient development. Insights from the African continent and Brazil.'