
Watch the GLOW programme animation in English, with French or Spanish subtitles, to learn why investing in women as low-carbon and climate resilience leaders is not just fair, it's smart.

Policy brief
New evidence from the GLOW programme makes the case that climate-smart businesses innovating in the low-carbon, climate-resilient space require a gender lens approach to meet their full potential for economic sustainability and positive climate impact.

Issues brief
ForestAction Nepal’s work to empower rural women entrepreneurs is captured in this video that features voices from those whose lives and livelihoods have been strengthened by the project.

Watch the GLOW webinar recording to hear how diverse actors are building capacity on gender-responsive climate action, and the opportunities for just transitions to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies in specific countries and regions.

Research report
This report summarises learning from the GLOW programme on common challenges and promising solutions for advancing women’s empowerment in low-carbon transitions.

Learning paper
This brief analysis offers key lessons on deployment, cage delivery and assembly, and community engagement insights after the deployment of three marine cages for the purpose of fish and seaweed farming and to form part of an IMTA system.

Learning paper
Presenting an overview of existing business models being used by coastal fisherwomen, the brief aims to identify weaknesses of the businesses and ensure women are empowered effectively, their businesses are profitable, and they stop being marginalised.

Learning paper
This brief presentats analysis of challenges and opportunities for Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) technology of seaweed and fish as a low-carbon, gender-transformative, environmentally, and economically sustainable innovation for empowerment in coastal Kenya.

Issues brief
Blue economy inclusive policies and initiatives that empower women in fisheries, aquaculture, and related sectors could unlock opportunities for women to enhance livelihoods. This brief presents insights to inform country approaches to integrating these approaches.