Inclusive business training models for coastal fisher women in Kwale and Kilifi County

Inclusive training among Kenyan coastal farmers

Coastal fisherwomen in Kenya, represent a significant population facing gender-based challenges. One of these challenges revolves around the creation of sustainable and easy-to-manage and scale businesses. With the increasing opportunities that come with the blue economy and the need for women’s empowerment, coming up with optimal and sustainable ways of creating and managing small businesses can help improve lives and promote economic growth. 

Researchers working with the project Aquaculture of seaweeds and fish: opportunities for blue economic empowerment and COVID-19 resilience in Kenya, as part of the Blue Empowerment Project, present this brief to provide information and understanding of the existing business models being utilised by the coastal fisherwomen in Kwale and Kilifi Counties. The brief aims to identify the weaknesses of the businesses through and ensure that the women are empowered effectively, their businesses are profitable, and they stop being marginalised.

Key Messages 

  • Sensitisation and awareness program on the Business Model Canvas among women running small-scale businesses along the Kenyan Coast. 
  • Benefits and challenges of a business canvas model in small-scale businesses. 
  • Strategies for developing competitive business models for scale small-scale businesses for women.
  • The info brief proposes the adoption of inclusive business models in women-led businesses to ensure their sustainability and profitability.